Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Flower Carrier

                                                  The Flower Carrier.

                                                                 Artist-Diego Rivera.


  Flower carrier is an oil and temper pices made on Masonite that was created by Diego Rivera . In this painting has large flower basket filled with  flowers. the basket large than person he can't bear flower basket. There is a women loading the basket on to his back.She is wearing a purple top with a long orange skirt that covers her legs completely.

                   The man carried pink and purpal flowers . he can't stand. The basket bind his body.He is wearing white color clothes like a woker. the painting background cover by a tree leaves .his face is covered by his cap.

              The painting is symbolic of struggles of a worker a modern . this painting represent hardship of life.Man is hard working his family. the person want to sell flowers to earn a fortune for his family. The women in the background in of the painting is probably his wife is assisting him in carrying and oversize bucket of flower.


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