Monday, August 27, 2018


Sigiriya is a historical mounument of Sri Lanka. Ancient rock fortress located in the northern Matale District near to Dambulla. This site was selected by king Kasyapa (477-495 CE) for his new capital .Referred by local as the Eighth wonder of the world this ancient place. Significant archaeological this ancient rock 200 meters higher than the surrounding jungles . There are surrounding vast gardens,ponds,canals,alleys and fountains.

Sigiriya Lion claws is located in the northern side of the rock. It was designed in the form of a huge stone, upper parts of the lion. The name of Sigiriya originates from the world sinhagiri.
         Sweeping stroke paintings is eastern wall of sigiriya. There was created during the reign of Kasyapa  .paintings are female characters.
Sigiriya has water gardens. There are located in the garden. In the rainy season, all channels are filled with water.

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