Thursday, August 30, 2018

The Earthen Goblet.

   The Earthen Goblet.
              By   Harindranath Chattopadhya.

                    The Earthen Goblet is a poem written by Harindranath Chttopadhya. he was an poet, actor and politician a member of the indian lok sabha. he wrote many wonderful English poems . This is one of his most famous poem . Thes poem include about life . though it appears to be about a simple thing as an earthen goblet is a metaphor used by the poet very artistically to convey his message to the world.

                        "How did you feel
                         When you were being twirled
                         upon the potter's wheel 
                         Before the potter gave you to the world!

                          I felt a conscious impulse in my clay 
                          to brake away
                          From the great potter hand
                          that burned so warm
                          I felt a vast feeling of sorrow to be cast
                          into my present form

                         Before that fatal hour
                         that saw me captive on the potter's wheel
                         And cast into his crimson goblet sleep
                         I used to feel
                        The fragrant friendship of a little flower
                        Whose root was in my bosom buried deep

                        The potter has drawn out the living breath of me
                         And given me a from which is death of me
                         My past unshapely natural stage was best
                         With just one flower flaming through my breast."

                                  The poem appear four stanzas. the goblet answers and the answer of the goblet which forms the next three stanzas of the poem is"tinged with a sense of sadness and helpfulness." Chattopadyay"s poetry usually deals with nature of life. The poem is written as a dialogue between poet and the goblet.a water container what is was and what it"s now. 

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