Monday, August 27, 2018

Sri Lankan writer (Marting Wickramasinhe).

Wickramasinhe was a famous Sri Lankan writer ,novelist .Wickramasinhe's writings on the culture village people life style .his work explored and applied modern knowledge in natural and social science , literature , linguistics,the arts , philosophy,education,Buddhism and comparative religion .he was born in1890 in village in southern Sri Lanka,Koggala .The village was bounded on one side by the reef and on the other by a large lake .The area had specific fauna, flora. In his work , he often criticized  opposed dogmatism  ,elitism in all forms that these could be found in culture.
            As a creative writer, Gamperaliya is first Sinhalese novel,with the great novel of modern world literature . this novel include traditional village life . after he followed Gamperaliya,Yuganthaya and Kaliyugaya . Wickramasinghe's most heralded work  come in Virqgaya due to the significance of it's spiritual problems.
         His work has been translated in English, Tamil,Hindu,Dutch ,German. He died in 1976.

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